Time and Tide Nantucket
Time and Tide Nantucket
Survival Off Sankaty with Capt. Pete Kaizer
This story goes back to the early 1980's on Nantucket. Capt. Pete Kaizer was in his early years of fishing on the island when a local market for bluefish developed. Pete used gillnetting strategies he had learned while fishing the winter seasons in Florida, and applied them to Nantucket's inshore fishery. One August afternoon, Pete and his mate found a large school of fish just north of Sankaty Head, but not long after setting the net a hard line of severe thunderstorms came over them. Things went from bad to worse, and ultimately the two men had to abandon ship and swim for their lives.
Producer and Host: Evan Schwanfelder with special guest Capt. Pete Kaizer. Huge thanks to my wife, Katie Kaizer, for leading the discussion and for all her help and support in bringing these stories alive.
Music composed by Evan Schwanfelder.
© Egan Maritime Institute, 2020